About The Event
The 13th Edition of the Symposium with International Participation - New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, organized by “Coriolan Drăgulescu” Institute of Chemistry, this year will be held as ONLINE event, in October 7-8, 2021, Timișoara, Romania.
This international event aims to provide an opportunity for exchange of scientific information on the latest trends in Chemistry, especially those which refer to advanced materials, in order to create new partnerships and participations in international projects.
Timișoara, Romania
Thursday & Friday
October 7-8, 2021
2 days event
5 topics
28 speakers
8 countries
Event Speakers
Here are our speakers
Plenary lectures:

Acad. Cristian SILVESTRU
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Cluj-Napoca, (Romania)

Prof. Goran UNGAR
University of Sheffield, Department of Materials Science and Engineering (United Kingdom)

Prof. Alessandra CRISPINI
University of Calabria, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Rende, (Italy)

Prof. Evamarie HEY-HAWKINS
Leipzig University, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Germany)

University of Bath, Department of Chemistry
(United Kingdom)

Prof. Gary HIX
University of Wolverhampton, School of Sciences
(United Kingdom)

Prof. Snežana U. MARKOVIĆ
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy
Belgrade, (Serbia)

Prof. Konstantinos DEMADIS
University of Crete, Department of Chemistry, Crystal Engineering Growth and Design Laboratory
Heraklion, (Greece)

Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Cluj-Napoca, (Romania)

Prof. Dana Maria COPOLOVICI
"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad,
Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environment Protection, (Romania)

Berlin Technical University, Institute of Chemistry
Berlin, (Germany)
Lectures (15 min):

Prof. Massimo LA DEDA
University of Calabria, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Rende, (Italy)

Dr. Rosario Pérez COLODRERO
University of Malaga, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Crystallography and Mineralogy (Spain)

Dr. Konstantinos E. PAPATHANASIOU
University of Wolverhampton, School of Sciences
(United Kingdom)

Dr. Magdalena Cristina STANCIU
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Iași, (Romania)

Dr. Petronela PASCARIU
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Iași, (Romania)

Dr. Loredana RICCIARDI
CNR NANOTEC - Institute of Nanotechnology, Italian National Research Council, Rende, (Italy)

Dr. Mariana Dana DĂMĂCEANU
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Electroactive Polymers and Plasmochemistry Department, Iași, (Romania)

Dr. Cătălin Paul CONSTANTIN
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Electroactive Polymers and Plasmochemistry Department, Iași, (Romania)

PhD stud. Dora Maria RĂSĂDEAN
University of Bath, Department of Chemistry,
(United Kingdom)

PhD stud. Gabriel KISS
“Politehnica" University Timișoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
Timișoara, (Romania)

"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry,
Timișoara, (Romania)

Agilrom Scientific S.R.L.
Ing. Mihai BALAȘ
Sales Director, Ronexprim S.R.L.

ABL&E-JASCO Romania S.R.L.Flash presentations (5 minutes):

University of Calabria, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Rende, (Italy)

PhD stud. Giuseppe DI MAIO
University of Calabria, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Rende, (Italy)

PhD stud. Camelia EPURAN
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry,
Timișoara, (Romania)
Event Schedule
Here is our event schedule
The 13th Edition of New trends and strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and environmental protection
local time: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), UTC/GMT+03:00

Dr. Otilia Costișor
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timișoara, Romania

Prof. Francisc Péter
Politehnica University Timișoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Timișoara, Romania

Prof. Gary Hix Luminescent MOFs and Metal Phosphonate Materials
University of Wolverhampton, School of Sciences, (United Kingdom)
In this paper we report the design, synthesis and characterization of a number of MOF and Metal phosphonate systems, demonstrating their efficiency in the generation of light through photoluminescence. We consider the inclusion and stabilization of halide perovskite nanoparticles in MOF frameworks and the future of power generation using composite materials in photovoltaic devices.

Dr. Liliana Cseh
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timișoara, Romania

Dr. Dan Pantoș Small molecule G-quadruplex binders: A supramolecular problem and solution?
University of Bath, Department of Chemistry, (United Kingdom)

Dr. Elisabeta Szerb
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timișoara, Romania
Dr. Aurelia Vișa
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timișoara, Romania

Dr. Ramona Curpăn
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Computational Chemistry Department, Timișoara, Romania

Dr. Konstantinos E. Papathanasiou Bottom up synthesis of novel 4- & 3-connected Boron Imidazolate Frameworks
University of Wolverhampton, (United Kingdom)
This study reports Boron Imidazolate Frameworks based on a battery of pre-synthesized 4-connected boron imidazolates with Cobalt(2+) cations. Using the unsubstituted imidazole as a reference, we explore the relationship between BIFs’ structures and potential properties in the field of catalysis. A systematic substitution (-methyl, -ethyl, -phenyl) of used imidazoles lead us to functionalize the synthesis as well as the properties of final porous products.

Dr. Nicoleta Pleșu
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timișoara, Romania

PhD stud. Dora Maria Răsădean Flavin-based molecular rotors
University of Bath, Department of Chemistry, (United Kingdom)

Silver tungstophosphate/βeta zeolite – a solution for pesticide induced oxidative stress. Dejana JANIĆIJEVIĆ, Anka JEVREMOVIĆ, Aleksandra JANOŠEVIĆ LEŽAIĆ, Bojana NEDIĆ VASILJEVIĆ, Snežana USKOKOVIĆ‑MARKOVIĆ, Maja MILOJEVIĆ‑RAKIĆ and Danica BAJUK‑BOGDANOVIĆ*
*University of Belgrade-Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia

Crystalline multi-component compounds involving hexaammine cobalt(III) cations and their effects against plant patogenic bacteria. Mariana DARII, Ecaterina NIRCA, Victor Ch. KRAVTSOV, Paulina BOUROSH, Jürg HAUSER, Silvio DECURTINS, Shi-Xia LIU, Olga SULTANOVA, Svetlana G. BACA*
*Institute of Applied Physics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Laccasses stabilization by covalent immobilization onto functionalized magnetic and sepabeads suports. Ioan BÎTCAN*, Andreea PETROVICI, Andrei ȘTEFAN, Anamaria TODEA, Iulia PĂUȘESCU, Francisc PÉTER
*“Politehnica" University Timișoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Timișoara, Romania

Enzymatic approach for the synthesis of ε-caprolactam and hydroxy acids polyesteramides. Ioana-Cristina BENEA*, Diana Maria DREAVĂ, Anamaria TODEA, Lajos NAGY, Sándor KÉKI, Francisc PÉTER
*“Politehnica" University Timișoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Timișoara, Romania

Batch and continuous flow aroma ester synthesis by sol-gel entrapped Candida Antarctica Lipase B. Ivana MILOȘ, Mădălina GHEORGHE, Corina VASILESCU*, Francisc PETER, Cristina PAUL
*“Politehnica" University Timișoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry and Engineering of Organic and Natural Compounds, Timișoara, Romania

Synthesis and characterization of new racemic secondary alcohol with 5-benzyl-4-(4-methylphenyl)-3-sulfanyl-1,2,4-triazole structure. Ion BURCĂ*, Vladislav-Silvestru VALICSEK, Valentin BADEA, Vasile-Nicolae BERCEAN
*“Politehnica" University Timișoara, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Timișoara, Romania

Synthesis and Characterization of Hyper Branched Nanoparticles with Magnetic and Plasmonic properties. Angela CANDREVA*, Francesco Parisia, Rosa Bartucci, Rita Guzzi, Giuseppe Di Maio, Francesca Scarpelli, Iolinda Aielloa, Nicolas Godbert and Massimo La Deda
*University of Calabria, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Rende, Italy
DOWNLOADS (Announcements, Programme, Book of Abstracts, etc.)
22-08-2021 Registration form and abstract submission
29-08-2021 Announcement of paper acceptance
Event Venue
The "Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry is located in Timișoara - Romania
The 2021 event only takes place ONLINE
"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry
The Institute was founded in 2001 as the Timișoara Institute of Chemistry of the Romanian Academy.
From 2018, it changes its name to the "Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry.
Check our gallery from the past editions
Poster presentation
Send your poster to the following email address:newtrends@acad-icht.tm.edu.ro It will be displayed in the "Schedule / Posters" section.
Conference language
The official language of the conference is English.
Joining speaker's lectures
Follow the link for instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting
Please, fill in the registration form / abstract and send them to the following email address:
Registration Form 2021
(deadline: 22-08-2021)
Abstract template 2021
(deadline: 22-08-2021)
Contact Us
Do you have a question? Tell us about your issue so we can help you
“Coriolan Drăgulescu” Institute of ChemistryB-dul. Mihai Viteazul nr. 24 300223 Timișoara Jud. Timiș ROMÂNIA.