New trends in chemistry research


September 24-26, 2025, Timișoara, România

17th edition

Conference Awards Journals special issues Special Section


General TOPICS:


General Topics:

Organic and Polymer Sciences

Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry

Applied Biomedical, Electronics, Optoelectronics and Environmental Sciences

Green chemistry for sustainable development

Computational chemistry and Chemoinformatics

Presentation types:

Plenary lectures - 40 minutes (35 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A)

Oral Presentations - 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A)

Flash presentation - 5 minutes (3 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A)

Poster presentation (A0/A1 format)

About The Event

Timisoara's "Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry will host the 17th edition of the conference with foreign participation, "New Trends in Chemistry Research," on September 24-26, 2025. (Romania).
This international meeting promises to be a pinnacle of scientific excellence, collaborative spirit, and valuable discussions, bringing together leading minds, researchers, PhD students, and professionals from various fields of chemistry. From organic and inorganic chemistry to computational and green chemistry, the conference will offer specialized tracks to meet attendees' diverse interests and expertise and establish new fruitful collaborations.


24 Mihai Viteazu Boulevard,
Romanian Academy Hall,
Timișoara, Romania


Wednesday to Friday
September 24-26, 2025

Event Speakers

Here are our speakers


Plenary lectures:

Oral Presentations:

Flash Presentations:

Sponsor Presentations:

link-to-download-pdf Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule


The 17th Edition of New Trends in Chemistry Research

local time: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), UTC/GMT+03:00



to be announced
??? Registration form and abstract submission
??? Announcement of paper acceptance

Registration of the participants:
Wednesday 24 September 2025, 8.00-8.50
in the hall of "Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Romanian Academy,
24 Mihai Viteazu Boulevard, Timisoara.


Special Sections:



2025 Conference Awards:



Journals special issues:


The participants are invited to submit full papers to the following journals:

Additional facilities will be granted by submitting the intention of publishing the work (paper title, authors and abstract) to the journal guest editor.


Event Venue

The "Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry is located in Timișoara - Romania
The 2025 event takes place in Romanian Academy Hall, 24 Mihai Viteazu Boulevard.

"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry


1951 - Academician Coriolan Drăgulescu started, in Timișoara, the organization of the scientific research network of the Romanian Academy. The initial research groups were those already existing at the departments of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering within the Timișoara Polytechnic Institute.
1953 - The Timișoara Scientific Research Base of the Romanian Academy was established
1956 - Chemistry research groups were organized in a distinct section (Chemistry Section of the Timișoara Scientific Research Base of the Romanian Academy)
2001 - The Department of Chemistry becomes the "Timișoara Institute of Chemistry of the Romanian Academy".
2019 - The institute changes its name to "Coriolan Drăgulescu Institute of Chemistry".

2024 Snapshots

"New Trends in Chemistry Research" Timișoara



Here are some nearby hotels

Hotel Savoy

Hotel Savoy Timisoara


traseu 0.4 km (5 min) from the conference venue

Hotel Casa del Sole

Boutique Hotel Casa del Sole


traseu 0.4 km (5 min) from the conference venue

Boutique Pensiunea Park

Boutique Pensiunea Park


traseu 0.2 km (2 min) from the conference venue

Branko's Residence

Branko's Residence

private house

traseu 1.2 km (17 min) from the conference venue





  • Dr. Liliana CSEH	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Alina BORA		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Elisabeta I. SZERB	        "Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Ramona CURPĂN		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Nicoleta PLEȘU		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Aurelia VIȘA		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Simona MUNTEAN		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Ana-Maria LACRĂMĂ		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
  • Dr. Carmen CRETU	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Ildiko BUTA		"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Manuela CRIŞAN	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Orsina VERDES	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Luminita CRIŞAN	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Andreea NISTOR	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Roxana NICOLA	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania
    Dr. Cristian NEANU	"Coriolan Drăgulescu" Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, Romania


  • The official language of the conference is English.

  • All conferences will be held in Academy Hall.

    Is it possible to attend virtually the NEW TRENDS conference?
    No, unfortunately the physical presence is mandatory.

  • How long is a presentation?
    The presentation time is in accordance with the presentation type as follows
    • Plenary lectures - 40 minutes (35 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A)
    • Oral Presentations - 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A)
    • Flash presentation - 5 minutes (3 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A)

    For flash presentation section, also a paper poster is required?
    No, if you choose the flash poster presentation, no additional paper poster is required.
    You need to prepare only a 3 minutes power point presentation with the description of your work.

    What is the accepted format for plenary/oral/flash presentation? When should the presentation be sent?
    The recommended format is PowerPoint or similar presentations.
    The material will be brought on a USB or sent via conference e-mail (if the authors agree), uploaded to the conference laptop and checked before the appropriate session to avoid any inconvenience.

  • What size should be the poster?
    Each poster will be displayed on a standing panel kit, in a portrait orientation.
    Poster size should not exceed A0 dimension (1189 x 841 mm). We kindly recommend an A1 poster size (841 x 594 mm).
    Please note that the oversized posters that may obstruct an adjacent poster will not be displayed.

    Where and when should I expose the poster?
    The posters will be displayed after registration and will remain displayed throughout the poster session.
    Please pin the poster on the poster board where appropriate number is displayed.
    Fixing materials will be provided and distributed on-site in the poster area.

  • What does the registration fee include?
    Standard registration fee includes: 1 plenary or oral presentation and 1 poster, conference materials, lunches, coffee breaks, cocktail socialization, and social activities.
    For accompanying person, separately fee will be charged. Please see the registration fee section on the conference web site.
    The registration fee does not include the accommodation and dinner.

    How and when should the registration fee be paid?
    There are two possibilities to make the payment as follows:
    bank account transfer:
    1. By transferring the required amount directly from the Institution or your bank account to the designated bank account of the “Coriolan Dragulescu” Institute of Chemistry. (for bank account details please click Register section on the conference webpage)
    Please note that banks and other payment providers are likely to charge a fee to customers making international money transfers.
    on site cash payment:
    2. Cash payment in the first day of the conference, at the participant registration section. Please note that even if the payment is made in cash, the information for issuing an invoice must be prepared.

  • Should I ask for the invoice before or after payment?
    It's generally recommended to request an invoice before the payment. This allows organizers to monitor participant details and payment.

    What information are required for issuing the invoice?

                            Represented institution:
                            Bank Name:
                            SWIFT Code:
                            Account number:
                            Amount due:
    Participant Name - will be specified on the invoice body.
    Please note that the invoice for the payment of the registration fee will be issued in the name of the represented institution specifying the participating person.

  • What is the procedure for registration as an author?
    www.newtrends-timisoara.roStep 1. On the website above, click on the register section, in order to download the registration form and abstract template.
    Step 2. Please fill in the required information, presentation type, contact author, and contribution title. Please specify the name of the accompanying person, if applicable.
    Step 3. Please use the abstract template provided on the website to edit your abstract.
    Please note that the body of the abstract must not exceed 1 page and must be submitted as a "word" document.
    Step 4. The registration form and the abstract should be sent via e-mail to the name of attached file should have the form: Name_poster.docx
    Please do not use signs like (.) (,) (%) (#) etc. in file names.

  • Where the conference registration does takes place?
    The conference registration will take place in the lobby of the “Coriolan Dragulescu” Institute of Chemistry, 24 Mihai Viteazu bvd., Timisoara, every day of the conference between 8 and 8.50 a.m.

  • When should the participant send a photo?
    For plenary/oral/flash presentations, participants are asked, if they agree, to submit a photo to be associated with the presentation profile on the conference website.


Please, fill in the registration form / abstract and send them to the following email address:



Registration Form 2025


Abstract template 2025

Please follow the submission guidelines for abstract



• # Lei standard registration (~ €): 1 plenary or oral presentation and 1 poster
• # Lei for students, PhD students, junior researchers (~ €)
• # Lei for accompanying individuals or participants without a lecture (~ €)
• # Lei for private and industry participants (includes stand) (~ €)
• # Lei for private and industry participants (includes stand and 5-minutes presentation) (~ €)

        In order to pay the registration fee, we ask you cordially to send the following data to the email address:

        An invoice issued for an Institution:
          Name of the participant
          Registration fee
          Name of the Institution
          Fiscal code/Tax code of the institution
          SWIFT or Number Account
          Name of the Bank

        An invoice issued for a private individual:
          Name and Surname          
          National Identification Number/Personal Numerical Code (CNP)    
          Registration fee

        The invoice will be sent as a pdf attachment to the e-mail indicated as your contact address.
        The participant/payer is responsible for any bank charges/fees associated with the payment.

Contact Us

Do you have a question? Tell us about your issue so we can help you


“Coriolan Drăgulescu” Institute of Chemistry
B-dul. Mihai Viteazu nr. 24 300223 Timișoara Jud. Timiș ROMÂNIA.

Phone Number
